Product Designing - UI/UX

Why UI/UX Design is the most important factor in Mobile App Development


by | May 29, 2021 | Mobile app development, UI UX

I dove into the world of development more than a decade ago, back in 2008, when times were different. Websites and web applications were still blocky and filled to brim with content, and Nokia was pushing its Symbion in the market with little to no success. The very first mobile applications I got to use and experience were on Symbion. They were crappy in terms of UI UX design. We don’t have Symbion anymore and Nokia has fallen to a fraction of its former glory.

Today, when it comes to web and mobile application UI/UX design has morphed into one the most essential aspect, an aspect that determines the ultimate success or failure of an application.

We use the term UI and UX interchangeably, but they are not the same things. UI is the interface we use when we interact with a mobile application while the UX is what we feel while using the said application. UX is short for “User Experience” collectively these two words sum up the essence of what UX is.

With UI UX designs, developers and marketers can force behaviors, such as forcing us to check our cell phone for the arrival of a message or notification by using a sweet notification sound. In the same way, by exploiting the principles of UI, Amazon makes it nearly impossible for its users to delete their Amazon account. Have you ever tried to do so? Try it. You will be baffled by what they have done.

YouTube, Netflix, Search Engine Results, and similar applications that earn by forcing their users to stay on their sites for longer employ enhance their UX to do so. They are extremely careful and efficient with their app design.

Now that the introduction is out of the way, let’s dive deeper into the nitty-gritty of UI UX design. I will start with the UI.

1. UI Design

UI is the abbreviation of “User Interface”, and it represents the graphical interface of a mobile application. Any aspect of a mobile application that is a part of the graphical layout be it buttons, layouts, images, menu, search bar, transitions, or other elements, is all a part of UI design.

Importance of UI Design

The UI design is what forms the ultimate look of an application. UI sells, no matter how good the functionality of the application is, and no matter how intricate and complex the backend is if UI fails the application dies.

2. UX Design

UX is the abbreviation of “User Experience” and it represents the way we, the users, interact with a mobile application. UX is the lifeline of an app design. It is the process that dictates how easy or difficult it will be to interact with the mobile application.

Importance of UX Design

UX determines if the UI created is smooth and intuitive, or confusing and clunky. In short, UX determines if the mobile application is perfect for the target demographic. Is the navigation throughout the mobile application logical and makes sense? Is the overall feel of the app logical or arbitrary? Do uses feel that they have accomplished the task they set out for using this app? All such questions are answered by the UX design process.

What makes a great UI/UX Design?

The measures determining the greatness of a UI UX design differ throughout industries. Here in these articles, we will look at the measures of greatness that are constant within all industries:


  • Clarity
    An app design that does not require users to read instructions off of a manual to learn how to use it, is a measure of greatness when it comes to UI UX design.

  • Responsiveness
    Glitch-free, fast-loading, and an overall responsive app are the result of a great UI UX design.

  • Familiarity
    Creating new trends is beneficial and important, but a mobile application that can offer these along with the sense of familiarity is what determines the greatness of a UI UX design.

  • Consistency
    A consistent interface all across the mobile application is what makes a great UI UX design.

  • Attractiveness
    It is without a doubt the most important pillar in what makes a great UI UX design. We can have clarity, responsiveness, familiarity, and consistency, but if the mobile application isn’t attractive then all our previous work was for naught.

Tips to improve the UI/UX of a mobile app

The best tips for improving the UI/UX design of a mobile application include the following principles that should be followed instead of blindly jumping into the development process:


  • Creating an app layout
  • Choosing an app color scheme
  • Selecting the app typography
  • Researching the target demographic
  • Planning for consistency
  • Creating prototypes and wireframes
  • Coming up with an intuitive design

EYT’s UI/UX Designing Services

EYT’s UI/UX design services are unparalleled. With professionals that are dedicated and are perfectionists when it comes to their work. EYT’s UI/UX design team is a class of its own. With numerous successful projects handled for clients all over the world, EYT is ready to serve you in your journey to success.

 EYT creates a user experience unlike any other. It combines the best of both worlds, iOS, and Android, in order to create something that is unique, genuine, and elicits awe from your customers. The UI/UX designing services of EYT provide a more engaging and rich experience to your clients and customers than any competitors can provide.

Contact us for your next UI/UX requirements!
